
Written by Bidrento Team
Updated 2 months ago

Here you can keep all the documents and files related to your units and tenants in one place. All the rental and other agreements and documents created and sent from Bidrento are stored on the platform. You can manually upload any additional files to Bidrento. The documents can be filtered by tenants, unit, and type of agreement, making finding your documents easier.  

All the files can be shared with the tenant from here. Just click on ‘Actions’ button on the file row and choose ‘Edit file or share with tenant’. You’ll see a pop-up where you need to enable the ‘Share with tenant via tenant app’ then click ‘Change’. After this, the file will appear under ‘Files’ for the tenant in their app. 

Adding a new file

To add a new file, just click on the ‘Add file’ button on the top right corner of the screen. This opens a new page where you can easily upload the new file, specify the type of the file, and add a short description. 

Under the ‘Object type’ you can choose either the building, rental object, tenant or rental agreement you wish to connect the file to. By clicking on one of the options a dropdown menu will appear where you can choose what to connect it to. If you don’t wish to connect it to anything, choose ‘Not specified’ in this case the fill will be only available in the ‘Files’ menu section. 

All the files can be shared with the tenant from here, just enable the ‘Share with tenant via tenant app’ toggle. After this, the file will appear under ‘Files’ for the tenant in their app. 

Files sharing with your tenants:

You have 2 main different possibilities to share the files with your tenants:

  1. Files will stick to the unit or building and will be shared via the tenant app with all tenants who have an active agreement in this unit or building. For that, you have to share documents under the Units – Files (separate tab) - Actions.
  2. Files will be shared with the tenant and will be visible only to him (will not stick with the unit and will not be visible to future tenants). For that you have several options: 1) Share documents Under the Tenant detail view page; 2) Share documents Under the Agreements detail view page; 3) Share Files Under the Files page.
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