Under the ‘Listings’, you can create public listings for your units. You can easily create your unit listing and include photos, 3D tours, or any additional media you wish. The listings can be posted directly from Bidrento’s platform to Facebook, sent in the email, or simply be shared as a link to your potential tenant. Potential tenants can apply directly from the listing link.
These public listings can be added as simple links to your webpage. You can, also, view all your published listings on a separate public page (click the button ‘View public list’). This page can be added to your website or shared with potential tenants. The order of the listings on the page can be changed from the ‘Set listing order’ button.
Additionally, you can use Bidrento’s API to integrate the listings to your website. This allows you to post vacancies automatically to your website and receive tenant applications from your website.
All the information submitted by the potential tenant to apply for the unit will be automatically sent to Bidrento. With this integration, you can later easily add tenants from the application to the platform and draw up rental agreements. Please note that the API integration may require some additional custom work from your website developer and its implementation can take some time.
All of the listings have an application form embedded in them which is connected with Bidrento’s platform. The form also includes a showings scheduling feature. Under ‘Timeslot calendar’ you can mark when you are available for showings and what is the required notice time for you. You can also connect this calendar with your Google calendar under ‘Connected services’. Applicants can then pick a suitable showing time from the available timeslots. If you have set up the Google calendar connection, the bookings will appear in your calendar simultaneously.
To book the showing time a contact information box opens. The potential tenant needs to fill out the required basic contact information. All the fields that you see in the tenant application form are fully customizable (link). Later when the applicant gets chosen as a tenant you can push a button Choose as a tenant.
When booking a showing an information box appears for the applicant. To proceed with the booking, the applicant needs to fill out basic contact information. All the fields are customizable, you can edit them here. As mentioned above, all the information the applicant shares will be sent to Bidrento. This means that when a tenant gets chosen you can easily proceed with adding them to the platform by clicking the ‘Choose as tenant’ button. Then the tenant will be created automatically in the ‘Tenants’ menu. After that, you will be directed to the agreement creation which will be already pre-filled based on the tenant application and as a result, you can generate a rental agreement with a few clicks. Regarding the agreement templates and agreement generation, you can find more information here.