Adding fees or taxes for a stay

Written by Bidrento Team
Updated 4 months ago

In Hotel Bidrento you have the possibility to add extra fees or taxes to a specific stay if needed.

Open up a desired stay under Stays section and scroll to the middle of the page, where you can see a separate section named "Fees and taxes". To add a new fee or tax, click on the blue "Add fee/tax" button.

This opens up a modal window, where you can choose the article, enter the name of the tax or fee, occupancy, amount of nights, amount of the units, logic, type and price.

Once you've entered all the desired information, click on "Save", and the fee/tax will be created.

The created fee/tax will be then visible in the same section, and it will also show what the payment status is or if the invoice for that has been created.

To invoice the fee, scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you can see the Invoices section on the left hand side. There click on the blue "Create invoice" button.

A new modal window opens up, which allows you to choose which services etc you would like to invoice. Select the desired service/fee, and then click on the small right hand arrow. This will transfer the selected items on the right hand side of the window. After that click on "Next".

The final step is to save or save and send the invoice to the guest. In this view you can also add extra rows on the invoice if needed.

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