
Written by Bidrento Team
Updated 9 months ago

Here you can see your tenants’ debts and prepayments. You get an overview of invoices sent and unsent to them that are unpaid. Additionally, you see any overpayments on their invoices. Next to the invoice it is indicated whether the invoice has been sent to the tenant. You can also filter the tenants based on their names. 

Tenant balance is the sum of debts and prepayments. The balance should be zero if all the invoices are paid and there is no surplus. If the balance is negative, it means there is a prepayment, if the balance is positive it means there are unpaid invoices in that sum. The tenant’s balance rows are red if the debt is higher than the initial deposit or existing prepayment. 

Initial balance

Here you can mark any debts or prepayments for your tenants when you’ve just added them to the platform. To add a new initial balance just click on the button on top of the page. Then just choose the tenant and add the balance (negative balance with a ‘-’ in front is a prepayment, positive balance is a debt). 

Interest on arrears

Here you see a list of all the interests that your tenants owe you and what is coming up with the invoice due dates (i.e. which interests have been settled and which not) You can easily filter the view as you wish. You can change interest rates by clicking on ‘Actions’ - ‘Edit interest rate’. You can also issue invoices for the interests if you have not chosen to show them on rental invoices

Please note that interest on arrears is recalculated once per hour. You can see the last update time next to 'Update calculation of interest on arrears' button. If you want to manually recalculate data on the page, please click on the 'Update calculation of interest on arrears' button.

You can also pause interest on arrears calculation by selecting the 'Pause/Resume interest on arrears calculation' menu item from the action menu next to the invoice interest row.

To obtain a detailed report about invoice interest on arrears calculation, please select the corresponding invoice and choose 'Generate report' from the bulk menu. The system will generate an Excel file with a detailed report, where each selected invoice will be represented as a separate tab in the Excel file.

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