Listings settings

Written by Bidrento Team
Updated 2 years ago

Form fields

Here you find a list of different fields on the listing’s form. You can enable or disable them to make them either active and/or required. You can also add custom personal information fields as needed. Don’t forget to save it when you are done. 

Public listing URL

Here you can change the default slug of the public listing’s URL. The system generates one randomly for you. However, you might change it to your company’s name or building’s name to make the URL appear more professional. 

General settings

This toggle is important as it defines your listings either as rental or accommodation listings. Rental listings are usually for a longer period of time and accommodation ones for shorter. Based on this different taxation applies. Enable the toggle if you are an accommodation provider, if you offer regular rental apartments, don’t enable the toggle. Don’t forget to save if you make a change.

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