Email settings

Written by Bidrento Team
Updated 9 months ago

All automated emails from the platform are automatically sent from the address If you wish to email from your own domain you need to set up a Mailgun integration for an extra fee. More info at

Here you can set up Reply to email addresses for different automated emails. They can be all the same or different. If you for example have different people dealing with invoices, tenant communication, and listings then you can set their email addresses as Reply to recipients, eliminating the need to forward emails.

Invoice sender email

Enter here the email address and name of the person who deals with replies and/or questions related to invoices. 

Listing manager email

Enter here the email address and company name you wish to reply to any listing inquiries and/or comments. You can also set the languages in which the person in charge of the potential tenant communication receives the notifications. Currently, the platform has seven languages listed (Estonian, English, German, Polish, Finnish, Romanian and Lithuanian).

Notifications and tenants' environment email

Enter here the email address and name of the person who deals with replies and questions coming from tenants. This person will also receive all notifications associated with tenants’ actions. Don’t forget to set the language this person wishes to receive the notifications in, currently, the platform has nine languages listed (Estonian, English, German, Russian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian and Finnish).

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