Creating a new invoice

Written by Bidrento Team
Updated 7 months ago

Go to 'Invoices'- 'Sales invoices' and find the ‘New invoice’ button in the top right corner of the page. This opens the new invoice description page. Most of the fields are prefilled if you have set up your ‘Invoice settings’ previously. Tenants will receive invoices in the language which has been set for them under ‘Tenants’. 

Currently, invoices can be sent in nine languages (Estonian, English, German, Romanian, Russian, Latvian, Polish, Lithuanian and Finnish).

Find each field’s description below-

Rental agreement - choose an existing agreement for which you want to create the sales invoice. Note! When a rental agreement ends you can create an invoice for it only 90 days after the end of the agreement. 

Enable ‘Invoice without agreement’ toggle if you want to issue a sales invoice without a connected agreement

Invoice date - choose a date in a month you prefer to send out your invoices

Invoice number - this is a combination of a set prefix and a set invoice number sequence

Due date - the latest date on which a payment is scheduled to be received 

Invoice period end - end date of the invoicing period

Enable ‘Show last balance’ toggle if you want to display on the invoice your tenant’s last balance

Enable ‘Show accrued interest’ toggle if you want to display the accrued interest up to the invoice creation date on the generated invoice

Enable ‘Invoice recipient is different’ toggle if the recipient of the rental invoice is someone other than the tenant living in your unit. Enabling this opens extra fields where you need to fill out the invoice recipient’s contact information. 

Date of entry - the date of the general ledger entry date

Interest rate -  if applicable set the interest rate per day used in the agreements, the interest rate can be adjusted per agreement in the corresponding agreement edit view

Includes utilities - check if the rent sum includes utilities

Paid - check if the invoice has been already paid

Excluded from payment reminder rule - check if you wish to exclude this invoice from the payment reminder rule. This means that even if the tenant is late with the payment they will not receive automated payment reminders. 

Enable ‘Show period on the invoice’ toggle if you want the invoicing period be included on the invoice as an extra line

Reference number - this is prefilled for you from the rental agreement you are creating the invoice for.  If the tenant includes the reference number on their payment then Bidrento can match incoming payments to invoices and mark them automatically as ‘paid’. Bidrento can track the received payments of the invoices you issue if you have activated the communication with your bank under ‘Connected services’ 

Currency - choose the currency you want to issue your invoice in

Invoice sender - to prefill the field, go to ‘Settings’- ‘Invoice settings’- ‘Invoice sender’ and fill out the necessary fields, all communication to this unit later will be from this sender

On the bottom you find a row where you need to fill out the details:

Article-  select an applicable article from the dropdown menu, the article will be connected with the service and defines the tax rate

Description - enter a short description of the service the invoice is created for

Amount - enter the service amount

Unit - choose an applicable unit for the service

Price - enter the unit’s price

Sum - is calculated automatically based on the amount and price

VAT(%) - is added automatically based on the article chosen previously

Row type - choose from the dropdown menu the service type. The options are rent, utility, deposit, interest on arrears, service, penalty, other, and prepayment for utilities

Rental object - choose from the dropdown menu your unit this invoice is created for

At the top, you have options to delete the invoice, connect new payments manually to it, send the invoice to the tenant or edit it. You can also create a credit invoice for the invoice, download it or view it as a PDF to see if everything is filled out correctly.

Any changes applied to invoice and initiated actions are saved under 'Invoice log' after opening the existing invoice. You can follow which invoice data including invoice rows was changed or added and see the email sent out action(either to tenant or accounting). For expanded information and error checking click the 'Action' button and choose 'Details'. Furthermore, in 'Modified by' column it is displayed whether the action was performed by a specific user or by the system(in case of automatic actions). 

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