Adding a new unit

Here you'll get an overview of how to add new units to Bidrento.
Written by Bidrento Team
Updated 5 days ago

Tip! If you have multiple units in one building, then add the building before adding the separate units to save time by having most of the unit’s information prefilled for you from the building's information. 

To add new single units to your account click on the ‘New unit’ button.

This opens the unit description page. Fill out at least the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk to continue, but the more information you add the better.

Find descriptions of the fields below-

Unit information

Unit type - first select from the dropdown menu what type of unit you would like to add (e.g an apartment, commercial, storage space, etc.). Object types can be added/changed under ‘Object settings’ 

Unique code or name - this code or name will be used on the platform to reference your unit. Choose a code or name that will help you easily recognize the unit.

Building - either select an existing building (check Buildings section) or create a new building the unit belongs to

Street - the street name the unit is located in

House number - the house number of the unit

Staircase/entrance - here you can choose the specific staircase/entrance where the unit is located (the field only appears in the unit card, if you have set it up under the corresponding building card).

Apartment number - the unit’s apartment number

City - the city the unit is located in

Postal code - the postal code of the unit

County - if applicable, the county the unit is located in

Total area - total area of the unit in square meters

Total floors - number of floors in the building

Floor - which floor is the unit located at

Number of rooms - total number of rooms in the unit

Number of bedrooms - the total number of bedrooms in the unit.

Balcony area - total square meterage of balcony area if applicable

Terrace area - total square meterage of terrace area if applicable

Ceiling height - the height of ceilings in the unit in meters

Building material - select from the dropdown menu the type of material the unit is built of (stone, panel, log, etc.)

Ventilation system - select from the dropdown menu the type of ventilation the unit has (natural, exhaust, forced, etc.)

Boiler type - the type of boiler the unit has if applicable (electric, gas, etc.)

Isp Options - internet service provider options for the unit

Interior design style - add here the interior style of the unit (e.g. classic, modern, industrial, baroque, etc.)

Additional information

Unit condition - select from the menu the condition of the unit (new, renovated, etc.)

Target rent - the planned rent price for the unit (it’s just an informative field, so later on you can compare the target with the real rent price)

Target service charge - the planned service charge price for the unit (it’s just an informative field, so later on you can compare the target with the real rent price)

Gender preference - with this field you can define which gender of tenant you prefer in the unit. It's useful for student hostels where they quickly need to find rooms or bed places for men and women to avoid placing students of different gender in the same room. In addition, you can also add a new column in the Objects section that shows the gender preference for each unit + you can also add a filter to filter out the preferred ones.

Invoice sender - to prefill the field, go to ‘Settings’- ‘Invoice settings’- ‘Invoice sender’ and fill out the necessary fields, all communication to this unit later will be from this sender

Build year - the year the unit was built

Unit internal reference number - applicable if you have your own numbering system for units that you would like to keep on the platform

Registry number - the official unit's registry number from the Registers and Information Systems 

Utilities in summer - enter the average utilities in the summer for the unit, this helps you answer your tenant’s questions when needed

Sample summer month - pick a month you would like to showcase for the utilities example

Utilities in winter - enter the average utilities in the winter for the unit, this helps you answer your tenant’s questions when needed

Sample winter month - pick a month you would like to showcase for the utilities example

Repair fund (per ) - if applicable add the repair fund per the unit’s square meterage

Repair fund (total) - if applicable add the total repair fund for the unit

Parking - tick if your unit includes a parking spot. Additionally, if you have added parking spots as units you can add them from the dropdown menu

Pets allowed - tick if pets are allowed on your unit, checking this opens an open field where you can list what kind of pets are allowed

Allow registration of residence - tick if it is allowed to register their residence for this address

Rent by room - tick if this unit can be rented by the room

Automatic fire alarm system - tick if your unit includes an automatic fire alarm system

Automatic surveillance system - tick if your unit includes an automatic surveillance system

Kitchen type - choose from the dropdown menu the kitchen type includes if applicable

Views - here you can list what views the apartment has (North, South, West, etc.), this is important if you also plan to create a public listing for the unit, this info will be automatically included. Under "Other" you can enter your own specific description of the view

Notes - add any additional information you think is important, this is important if you also plan to create a listing post for the unit, this info will be automatically included

Viewing instructions - add any additional information on viewing appointments, this is important if you also plan to create a listing for the unit, this info will be automatically included

The date the listing ad was posted - add the date the unit’s listing was published, this helps you keep track of how long the listing’s ad has been up for


Enable if your tenant needs to enter meter readings manually for your unit. Tenants can post meter readings only if the meters have been added to the system (link) and they’ve been invited to the tenant app (link).

Owner information

Owner type - pick from the drop-down menu if the owner of the unit is a legal entity or a private person

Owner name - add the unit owner’s full name

Owner registration number - add the official unit owner registration number, if  the owner is a company

Housing association details

Name of the association - if applicable add the name of the unit’s co-operative 

Loan balance - if applicable add the unit’s loan balance

Loan balance date - if applicable add the date the balance was checked

Loan due date - if applicable add the due date of the loan

Purchase and market information

Seller name - the name of the person the unit was bought from

Seller contact - previous owner’s contact info

Contact phone - previous owner’s phone number

Contact email - previous owner’s email

Purchase price - the price of the unit when bought, this is important if you wish to check your unit’s ROI under ‘Reports’

Purchase date - date of the purchase of the unit

Handover date - date the unit was handed over from the previous owner to the current one

Market price - current market price of the unit

Market price date - the date when the current market price was checked

Renovation details

Renovation year - if applicable the year the unit was last renovated

Roof renovation year - if applicable the year the roof of the unit was last renovated

Plumbing renovation year - if applicable the year the plumbing of the unit was last renovated

Facade renovation year -  if applicable the year the facade of the unit was last renovated

Stairway renovation year - if applicable the year the stairway of the unit was last renovated

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